At my current job, I am surrounded by students from over 40 different countries who have come to our language school to learn English. Most of the students are in their early 20s and our convos are absolutely a highlight of my job. Our daily interactions range from heart felt discussions about family and culture, to the latest thing going on in LA. With their jeans, t-shirts and American slang, sometimes I forget they are from a world away. Leaving other friends, families and jobs behind to come and learn English just for a bit.
When it is time for the students to return home, it is my job is to arrange their transfers to LAX. As I write their ticket I chat with the students to see if I can get them to sum up this cultural experience in just a sentence or two. Some are so poignant, while others, just plain funny.
What will you do when you go back to your home country?
-18, Chilean girl, studied in LA for 6 months
"Work on making the Venezuelan professional futbol team."
(He did.)
-22, Venezuelan guy, studied in LA for 5 months
"Work for my father's company. I really don't want to but he's making me. I'm hoping to come back to LA soon. I can't stay in Japan, I just can't."
-26, Japanese guy, studied in LA for 9 months
"Be a doctor. I finish in November, I will be an do you say?
Ah, yes. Anesthesiologist. Let's take a selfie. Will you sign my lab coat?"
-26, French guy, studied in LA for 4 weeks
"Well, I am not going directly home. I am going to France first to visit some family, then home to the Congo then back to France to go to school."
-19 & 21, Congalese brother/sister pair, studied in LA for 2 months
Stay tuned for more Chit-Chat!